The International Conference on Intelligent Interstate Car Transport welcomes papers and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, dealing with new developments in theory, analysis, simulation and modeling, experimentation, demonstration, case studies, field operational tests and deployments.
We particularly invite and encourage prospective authors to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced IICT applications.
List of special sessions:
- Advanced Safety Systems
- Advanced Vehicular and Transportation Technologies for Smart Mobility and Traffic Control
- Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation
- Automated Car Transport Vehicles
- Beyond Traditional Sensing for Intelligent Transportation
- Big Data and AI for Mobility
- Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning for Transport Health Management
- Connected Vehicles and Communication Networks
- Cooperative Driving
- Cooperatively Interacting Automobiles
- Fighting Traffic Congestion: China’s Experiences and Lessons in ITS
- Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles
- Intelligent Transportation Systems and Disadvantaged Populations:
- Technology Adoption Challenges and Bridging the Digital Divide
- Intelligent Transport Computational Models
- Logistics and Goods Movement
- Mobility and Intelligent Multimodal Transportation Systems: Analysis and Modeling
- Naturalistic Driving according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Research
- Positioning, Navigation and Path Planning
- Public Transportation
- Railway Transportation
- Shared Mobility Systems
- Sustainable Mobility and Transportation Electrification
- Traffic Modeling, Simulation and Management
- Interstate Car Transport Behavior Modeling with Machine Learning and Travel Behavior Methods
- Vulnerable Road Users in Mixed Traffic
Information for Authors
Manuscript Submissions
We will use papers for the reception of submissions.
- To submit a manuscript, you must have the following items readily available:
- Type of Submission: You can select Special Session Paper, Workshop Paper or Regular Session Paper.
- We encourage authors to Select Special Session Paper when possible, instead of Regular Session Paper, so that they can select the specific track where they think their work should be reviewed/programmed.
- Title of the manuscript
- Short 200 words text-only abstract of the manuscript
- PINs of “ALL” co-authors (you can locate your co-authors’ PIN by following PIN link from its.papercept.net
Manuscript file should be a PDF file (version 1.4 or higher), have all fonts embedded/subsetted, in US Letter page size, searchable, non-password protected document. Final papers sent to be part of the program of the conference MUST be format compliant according to the instructions provided.
Page Limit
For the first submission, a manuscript in US Letter format can be of 6-8 pages. For the final submission, a manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge.
Apart from these, we will also have the possibility or receiving “Regular Papers”. That is where you should send your work if you are not sure of which session best suits your paper. In this case, we will make the determination. There is no practical difference between a “Special Session” and a “Regular Session”. All of the sessions will be scheduled from the second to the fourth day of the conference. Workshop papers will be scheduled on the first day of the conference.
Transportation Scholarships for Registration
In the spirit of “Women in Engineering”, we want to foster science specifically from “Women in Intelligent Transportation Systems” (ITS) extending the interest in the field among female students to equalize the gender diversity in workplaces. Therefore, in order to honor the women working in ITS who are attending the IEEE ITS Society’s flagship conference, we are happy to announce that a number of scholarships to attend the conference will be available giving priority to IEEE ITSS members.
Applications are welcome after notification of papers acceptance before the camera ready deadline.
Become a Transport Sponsor
The International Conference on Intelligent Interstate Car Transport is the premier conference for Intelligent Transportation Systems, where people come from all over the world to see and to be seen by a large number of experts in the fields of connected and automated vehicles, advanced driver assistance systems, new traffic management systems, human factors, and sensors. Promote your organization in a unique environment where researchers and leading experts meet to share ideas and expertise in improving safety, mobility, and reducing environmental impacts of shipping a car.
The Intelligent Interstate Car Transport Conference has 3 sponsorship categories:
Platinum Sponsor – Ford Labs
Gold Sponsor – BMW
Silver Sponsor – Car and Driver
In addition, sponsors can choose to support particular events during the conference, including the welcoming reception, the lunch events, and even the gala dinner.
Sponsors will be recognized with your logo on signage, website, marketing materials and program and at plenary events during the conference.
Make your booking as soon as possible to guarantee your preferred choice of sponsorship!